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CloseRightly Dividing the Truth


To equip the saints with clear Biblical teachings, brother Darrell E. Reyman (06/17/1929 – 02/19/2016) compiled his Bible study lessons in a book form to provide an organized presentation and discussion of the events, precepts, principles, and Biblical characters under each section. He was a minister of The Church in Las Vegas for 42 years.

As a student, I found the study on the lessons provided in his book: Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15) most helpful. The study provided a general idea of what the Bible is all about. I was inspired to read the details of the books of the Old and New Testaments later on with greater interest, having learned from the principles taught by brother Darrell to ask: when was it Spoken, who is Speaking, to whom was it Spoken, and the purpose for which it was Spoken. With this guide in mind, one can rightly divide the Word of God.

I took the initiative to publish this book online and in paperback with the help of Richard Bestre, the website programmer, and my son Gilford Denis, the graphics and layout designer so that others may benefit from the teachings that brother Darrell worked tirelessly to accomplish. I asked the permission of his wife, Lucille, for the publication of his book, and she approved my request with delight.

The book Bible Overview, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth is now available at

The book is organized into three parts, as follows:

I – Dispensations
1. The Patriarchal Dispensation
2. The Jewish Dispensation
3. Christian Dispensation

II – Periods
1. Each Dispensation is divided into different Periods

III – Lessons
1. Each Period is divided into different lessons
2. Each lesson is composed of the corresponding books under each Period.

A short quiz to test the student's understanding is provided at the end of the lesson or lessons.

Pray for understanding each time you study the lessons. The lessons will help give you an overall view of the Old and New Testaments. Meditate on the scriptures, and you will be enlightened about the plan of God for your life.

Graphics and images contribute to the readability of the lessons with ease and comfort.

To read the Life Story of Darrell E Reyman, please click on the tab above: Seed Sower. Click on Lesson 1 to get started!

A Certificate of Completion is awarded after completion of the course.